Call For Oneida Artist!!! Registration Closed The Boys & Girls Club Green Bay is seeking Wisconsin Artists to help the youth design and create an arts piece celebrating Wisconsin's Native American Nations. The educational art piece has not been defined but it can take on many forms. There is also an opportunity for creating an educational resource component tied to the art as well. Click here for more information on this project: BGCGB Artist Opportunity.pdf Contact: Alex Zacarias, Director of Diversity & Youth Voice [email protected] NWTC is calling for proposals from local artists. Artists who live in the Northeast Wisconsin Technical College District can now send proposals year-round for art costing less than $1000 each. The NWTC Arts Committee will make purchasing decisions each month. Proposals may be withdrawn by artists if pieces have been sold elsewhere before receiving a reply from the Committee. In general, the College is looking for large-format statement pieces that are in “ready to hang/install” condition. The goal is to select indoor and outdoor art that is welcoming, inclusive, inspirational, and appealing to our student population. The NWTC community is multicultural, therefore, we desire art depicting diverse experiences. The College is particularly interested in art that represents the activities happening in our spaces, the subjects taught in our buildings, or the inclusivity of the diverse culture of our local community. The College offers programs in the fields of Agriculture, Architecture/Construction, Business, Digital Arts, Energy, General Studies, Health Sciences, Human Services/Education, Information Technology, Public Safety, Manufacturing, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), and Transportation. For proposal instructions, visit Direct any questions and submit the completed proposals to [email protected]. gener8tor Art is a 12-week accelerator program for visual artists. gener8tor Art helps artists achieve greater success by providing the support and mentorship needed to maintain a sustainable practice and navigate the industry. The FY22 Folk Arts Apprenticeship program application is now available. This year’s application deadline is Thursday, March 11, 2021. Folk Arts Apprenticeships are designed to strengthen and encourage the continuity of our state’s diverse cultural traditions by supporting direct passage of knowledge and skills embedded in traditional arts. The Wisconsin Arts Board provides awards to enable respected master traditional artists to teach their skills to committed and talented apprentices. To access the application, please visit the Arts Board website, click on “COMMUNITY” - “Grant Programs” and scroll down to the “Folk Arts Apprenticeship Program” link. Or, click the 'Find Out More' option below. Be sure to review the FY22 Folk Arts Apprenticeship program guidelines and registration instructions before working on the application form. If you have any questions regarding the Folk Arts Apprenticeship program, please contact Kaitlyn Berle at (608) 266-8106 or [email protected]. If you have technical questions or problems concerning the application form, please contact Dale Johnson at (608) 264-8191 or [email protected]. Explore & Discover Thursday, April 1 THROUGH Sunday, May 30 Explore & Discover, beyond the map, is intended to take viewers through a unique journey to “visit” environments around the world. Road trips and travel have evolved over time from pioneer explorations to escapes from the chaotic and hectic lives that we now live. 2020 was a year of little travel, so enjoy a walk through various vacation spots to experience relaxation, adventure, and exploration. Side Gallery Call for Art Open | Submissions Due: March 18, 2021 Artist Reception: Thursday, April 1 @ 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Napalese Lounge and Grille, along with community partners Rainbow Over Wisconsin, Downtown Green Bay Inc., Olde Main Street, Art Garage, United Arts, and The Canary Fund, are searching for an artist to paint a new LGBTQ mural on Napalese. The chosen artist will be compensated for their work. This mural should be representative of the LGBTQ community as well as, the intersectionality within our community. Artist applications and proposals should be submitted to [email protected] no later than March 15th, 2021. The subject line must read: Napalese Mural Application. Proposal description should include how this work affirms and celebrates the presence and contributions of the LGBTQ community in Northeastern Wisconsin. If you have questions, please contact Martha at [email protected]. For more information, and for the application and proposal, please visit Call for Art Open | Submissions Due: March 15, 2021
Grants for Arts Projects National Endowment for the Arts Deadline: February 11 How to Build Your Website: A Workshop for Artists with Paul (A two-part Virtual Workshop) Mary Nohl Fellowships | Lynden Sculpture Garden February 20 – 1-2:30 pm: The Big Picture February 27 – 1-2:30 pm: The Details that Make the Big Picture Springfield Art Museum Seeks Entries For Watercolor USA 2021 Springfield Art Museum Deadline: February 21 Academy of American Poets Laureate Fellowships Academy of American Poets Deadline: February 23 Call For Artists: Mural Project Commemorating Women’s Right To Vote Arts Midwest & CREATE Portage County Deadline: February 25 2021 Public Art Conservation Fund Application and Guidelines Milwaukee Arts Board Deadline: February 26 Gottlieb Foundation Invites Applications for Individual Support Grants PND by Candid Deadline: February 26 Houston Center for Contemporary Craft Invites Applications for Artist Residencies PND by Candid Deadline: March 1 Call for Artists | 41st Annual SECURA Fine Arts Exhibition Trout Museum of Art, ZAPP Deadline: March 15 Call for submissions The 2021 Special Topic will be Folk Arts and Creative Writing and is titled “Creative Texts | Creative Traditions.” DEADLINE: Initial submissions are due to the editors by April 1, 2021. Please submit your submission by email to [email protected] or directly to the editor with whom you have been communicating.
Possible funding opportunities. OPPORTUNITIES Expo 2020 Dubai: Cultural Performer Expression of Interest Global Ties U.S. Global Ties U.S. reserves the right to close the nomination form prior to the March 15, 2021 deadline Beyond Words: the Dollar General School Library Relief Fund Awards & Grants | American Library Association Deadline: None. Monthly Review Open Grant Solicitations Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs | US Department of State Various Scholastic Art & Writing Awards Invites Entries From Creative Teens RFP | Philanthropy News Digest Deadline: Various NALAC Unveils New Funding For Latinx Artists National Association of Latino Arts and Cultures Various Deadlines
Grant OpportunityCreation and Presentation Program (CPP) grants provide artistic program and operational support to established nonprofit arts organizations whose primary mission is to create or present ongoing arts programming that makes a significant local, regional, or statewide impact on the cultural life of Wisconsin, and that furthers the Arts Board’s community development and arts education goals (see the Arts Board’s strategic plan). Apply Here: This is Milwaukee - Call for Artists The deadline for completing the below application is Aug. 24, 2020 at 5pm CST. Details below. Begin your application here. We’re All In CBAC is pleased to announce that Arts Wisconsin has selected the Chequamegon Bay Arts Council to receive Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation funds. These funds are to be used to support artists who lost income due to the pandemic. CBAC will distribute the funds to two artists — one performing artist and one visual artist. Interested applicants will submit a proposal for a public art project in response to the theme We’re All In. Apply Here Funding Opportunity for Oneida Small Businesses - arts and other Applications for the Oneida Small Business Assistance Program through Bay Bank are due by July 31, 2020. For the application, go to Bay Bank website at (wait a second and a ribbon on the top of the web site will pop up; click on ONSNAP). Who can apply? 1. Any Oneida tribal member living in Wisconsin with a small business. What qualifies me as a small business? 1.Do you sell things? at art shows? pow wows? 2. Do you have a vendors license or another license to sell something? 3. Did you fill out a schedule C for you taxes? 4. Do you have a registered business name or business checking or savings account? 5. Are you paid to sing/dance/give presentations? What is this grant used for? 1. The grant is for your business expenses and may be used however you need it The amount you may receive is based on your wages, rent expense, and/or utilities. If you work out of your home, it would be your living expenses; and your wages are the income you receive from selling your work or money you make for singing/dancing/presenting. How does this work and Who decides who gets this grant? 1. You provide Bay Bank with as much information about your sole business as possible. 2. Bay Bank takes your materials and prepares the application. 3. The application is forwarded to the Oneida Covid Committee - this is a group of non business committee members working in accounting and Governmental services. 4. The committee reviews the application, approving or declining.
Artist Relief Grant. Due by July 29 for first round and due Sept 9th for second round. These are $1000 grants for artist. RAM Virtual Community Art Show -- Free Online Exhibit…/call-for-…/call-for-community-show/ ![]()
Looking for artist and costume designer help along with other opportunities. STRATEGIES FOR RUNNING AN ART BUSINESS DURING COVID-19…/Artwork_A… Seeking Artist: Westby City Council seeks designs for new city seal/logo Westby Times Deadline: April 3 Green Bay Seeks Entries For Alleyway Art Transformation Project Green Bay, WI Patch Deadline: April 3 NEW Emergency Response Program Backline Deadline: April 5 Artists invited to apply to exhibit at Stillwater gallery St. Croix 360 Deadline: April 6 Cultural Center seeks cranberry art Wisconsin Rapids City-Times Deadline: April 7; Enter beginning March 31 Harpo Foundation Seeks Applications for New Work Grants RFPs | Philanthropy News Digest Deadline: April 10 (Letters of Inquiry) Joyce Foundation Invites Applications for Joyce Awards RFPs | Philanthropy News Digest Deadline: April 12 (Letters of Inquiry) Bogliasco Foundation Invites Applications for Arts and Humanities Fellowships RFPs | Philanthropy News Digest Deadline: April 15 Register now for a Making and Tinkering for Learning workshop! PLACE: Professional Learning & Community Education Dubuque, IA | April 18 Take Flight Art Contest Horicon Bank Deadline: April 22 International Studio & Curatorial Program Welcomes Applications for 2020 Artist Residencies RFPs | Philanthropy News Digest Deadline: April 26 Arts Midwest Touring Fund Arts Midwest Deadline: April 29 Native American Library Services: Enhancement Grants Institute of Museum and Library Services Deadline: May 1 Apply Deadline: May 15 Digital Projects for the Public National Endowment for the Humanities Deadline: June 19 Digital Humanities Advancement Grants National Endowment for the Humanities Deadline: June 30 Radcliffe Institute Accepting Applications for Fellowship Program RFPs | Philanthropy News Digest Various Beyond Words: the Dollar General School Library Relief Fund Awards & Grants | American Library Association Deadline: None. Monthly Review Pollock-Krasner Foundation Accepting Grant Applications From Artists in Need RFPs | Philanthropy News Digest Deadline: Open Artfully Reimagined Invites Submissions for 'Reimagine It' Grants RFPs | Philanthropy News Digest Deadline: Open Foundation for Contemporary Art Accepting Applications for Emergency Grants RFPs | Philanthropy News Digest Deadline: Open Adolph & Esther Gottlieb Accepting Applications for Emergency Grants RFPs | Philanthropy News Digest Deadline: Open Open Grant Solicitations Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs | US Department of State Various Scholastic Art & Writing Awards Invites Entries From Creative Teens RFP | Philanthropy News Digest Deadline: Various NALAC Unveils New Funding For Latinx Artists National Association of Latino Arts and Cultures Various Deadlines Craft Emergency Relief Fund Accepting Applications From Craftspeople in Need Philanthropy News Digest Deadline: Open Artfully Reimagined Invites Submissions for 'Reimagine It' Grants RFPs | PND Deadline: Open Shubert Foundation Accepting Applications for Performing Arts Grants RFPs | Philanthropy News Digest Deadline: Various Scholastic Art & Writing Awards Invites Entries From Creative Teens Philanthropy News Digest Deadlines: Various Local Systems The Kresge Foundation No Deadline Artist job opportunities in Wisconsin: Calling All Artists! We are looking for local artists to paint banners for our downtown Art Walk. Email [email protected] for more information! The paperwork can be submitted via email or mail in. Artist Residencies. Deadline is March 16, 2020. Call for Artist - Street Art Silver Series (SASS) In the spirit of On Broadway's 25th anniversary and to boost the public art in our community, we announce the Street Art Silver Series (SASS) Walk - a project that includes 25 art installments throughout downtown Green Bay's historic Broadway District. The SASS Walk program is a new, free, art walk taking place the weekend of Thursday, Aug. 20 to Sunday, Aug. 23. Throughout the weekend, the public can stroll the district and watch artists complete their projects as well as enjoy live music, food, and experience the Broadway businesses that will provide specials and activities for SASS Walk participants. Art Competition for Students!!! The rules and regulations included here apply to the 2020 Congressional Art Competition generally.vEach Member of Congress may establish additional rules for his or her district competition. Please consult with your Member’s office to verify whether any additional rules apply and how to enter. The competition is open to high school students. Members may choose whether to include 7th and 8th grade students in the art competition if schools located in their districts house 7th through 12th grades on one campus. Teachers and/or students should verify their eligibility with the office of the Member of Congress.…/congressional-art-competition Pencils & Pens Thursday, April 2 THROUGH Sunday, May 31 Pencils & Pens is a selection of works that will show different approaches made by the artists to create an image, meaning, or reaction through the process of using things like values, shading, tones, highlights, and use of shadows. This exhibition aims to validate the difficulty of the often overlooked and unappreciated mediums, pencils and pens. SIDE GALLERY- SUBMISSION DUE: March 19! Submit Here: Artist Reception: Friday, April 3 @ 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM ‘Great things:’ City of Wauwatosa seeks artists for shipping container mural arts project WAUWATOSA -- The City of Wauwatosa is building upon the excitement of its new mural arts program and is seeking submissions from artists for a mural to be installed on a shipping container located in Hart Park in the Village of Wauwatosa. For more information visit: Artists can find additional information and APPLY HERE. Grant opportunities for artist. The application portal is now open. Check out this great resource. Ongoing artist residencies. There are endless opportunities for artists who know where to look. That's why we scoured the internet and compiled the best opportunities for 2020—so you only have to look in one place. Each year we send our team on a mission to find the best opportunities, artist grants, and calls-for-entry for artists. From that, we created a list of the top international open calls, residencies, fellowships, and awards that we believe will benefit artists during the upcoming year. The complete list is broken down into four categories: grants, residencies, calls-for-entry, and opportunity sites. Looking for an easier way to view this list or want to keep a copy on file for yourself? Download the free 2020 Guide to Artist Grants & Opportunities. We will be updating this list throughout the year as deadlines become available, so make sure to check back often and download the latest version of the guide. If you know of an opportunity that we missed, let us know or submit the opportunity here. Find your next opportunity or art career milestone below (opportunities are sorted by deadline date). Call for Native American Storyteller in Residence. The Madison Public Library in partnership with Ho-Chunk Gaming Madison is seeking a self-identified Native American Storyteller to facilitate programs during a two-month residency in order to highlight Ho-Chunk or Native stories and cultures, past and present. The selected individual will be compensated $2700 plus a $200 stipend for supplies. Deadline: February 10, 2020 Have you heard? MIAD's Galleries are accepting proposals for art and design exhibitions. Learn more: Calling all Tribal artists! There is an opportunity to exhibit your artwork at the Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center during the Ma’iingan Symposium January 31st to February 2nd. Table space is limited so please contact Aurora Conley (Bad River) at 715-682-7123, ext. 1510 to reserve your spot or to gather more information. June 6 & 7 Detroit, Michigan Palmer Park Saturday 10am-7pm & Sunday 11am-5pm 65 artists Deadline: March 1 Application fee: $25; Booth fees start at $335 The show is held in beautiful Palmer Park and is adjacent to some of the city's best neighborhoods. Residents are professionals with huge homes and great disposable income. Our experience is the shoppers like more traditional images, and afro-centric work also does well. Don't be afraid to bring larger work as many people have substantial historic homes. The show winds around a pond and runs adjacent to the historic log cabin. Artists are encouraged to get out of the tent and create installations that enhance their work and interact with the natural beauty of the park. The "entertainment" is art projects and artist demonstrations. Patrons are invited to get their hands dirty. All of this helps to contribute to appreciation and sales. Why you should be here:
May 23-25 Memorial Day Weekend Milford, Michigan Kensington Metropark, 4570 Huron Pkwy. Sat. & Sun. 10am-6pm; Mon. 10am-4pm 100 artists Deadline: February 24 Application fee: $25; Booth fees start at $355 A beautiful art fair next to the lake in the heart of Michigan's most prosperous area. The show is centered in one of Michigan's wealthiest areas, Oakland County, which has the highest per capita income in the state. Traditional images do well in all price points. Audience is a little older with large homes and gardens. Artist booths are in the grass in a serpentine layout. Extensive marketing and partnerships. Held in a popular park by the beach with 800 dedicated parking spaces. The park winds along the river with convenient parking, food trucks and river views. The park already attracts 1.2 million visitors annually. Apply: The Red Banks Native Art Show brings together Native American artists from the local region to showcase their works of art and craft items. The show features hand made beadwork, jewelry, paintings, baskets, metal work, pottery, carvings, fine art, crafts and more. Everyone is welcome to visit the show and purchase unique gifts, collect works of art, or home/office decor. Refreshments available in the venue. Open to the public. Native American artists/vendors can register online at: line: An artist opportunity in Minnesota. Each month, a local artist’s work is featured in the seating areas at both the Hillside and Denfeld stores. To date, the work of over 350 local artists have been displayed and admired by Co-op customers and staff. Looking for a Community Arts Program Director!!! The John Michael Kohler Arts Center seeks a highly motivated Community Arts Program Director to join the Public Programs team. See website for details. The Art Garage is offering art workshops. See link for more information.… CALL for short stories, poetry and art! Our theme for this first volume is: Mental and Emotional Health: Growth, Hope, New Beginnings. FRONT COVER DESIGN CONTEST: Prize is $100. Deadline for stories, poetry and art: January 31, 2020. Anticipated publication is early 2020. See website for information: Artist opportunity for watercolor artist!!!… For any of our artist who may reside in Washington state. The Arts Innovator Award recognizes artists who demonstrate innovation in their art practice. These unrestricted awards of $25,000 are given annually to two Washington State artists of any discipline who are originating new work, experimenting with new ideas, taking risks, and pushing the boundaries of their fields. Do you have a passion for Native arts and cultures? The Native Arts and Cultures Foundation (NACF) is hiring a full-time Personal Assistant. The assistant provides administrative support to the Native Arts & Culture Foundation’s President/CEO. For more information, see link.… The National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI) Internship Program provides educational opportunities for students interested in the museum profession and related fields. If you are a student and interested, please visit their site. Listed below is a copy of the newsletter from NACF. It has great write ups about artist and artist opportunities. Enjoy!!!… We are looking for instructors for our Youth Summer Art Workshops! They are a perfect place for artists of all ages to develop visual artistic skill including drawing, painting, mixed media, ceramics, jewelry, mosaics, and more! We want to create a fun summer for our students with you! Please submit your resume, biography, and 3-4 samples of your work (if applicable) to be considered to Tristin St. Mary at [email protected]. Do You Have an Art Education Degree? We Are Looking for a Remote Adjunct Graduate Instructor The Art of Education University (AOEU) is seeking new online Adjunct Instructors. A terminal degree (Ph.D., Ed.D. or M.F.A.) is preferred for consideration. A master's degree is required and will be considered when paired with unique specializations that meet the university's needs. Remote Adjunct Instructors play a key role in providing a world-class learning experience to our students--primarily professional K-12 art educators. This role involves providing inspiring instruction and engaging facilitation/discussion, in addition to fair assessment and evaluation of student work. For More Information Click Here!!! For the Month of November: November 3* Milwaukee, Wisconsin Grace 11th Annual Fine Art & Craft Festival Grace Center 250 East Juneau Avenue 8am - 2pm 25 Exhibitors November 9* Springfield, Illinois 2nd Annual Art Z Festival at White Oaks Mall 2501 Wabash Avenue Friday & Saturday, 10am - 9pm; Sunday, 11am - 6pm 150 Artists For more info: November 23 & 24* Cape Girardeau, Missouri 49th Annual Christmas Arts & Crafts Extravaganza Osage Center, 1625 N. Kingshighway The Show Me Center, 1333 N. Sprigg Street Saturday, 10am - 5pm; Sunday, 10am - 4pm 300 Exhibitors Calls for Artists are from juried art shows looking for more fine artists to exhibit at their art fairs.… A CELEBRATION OF NATIVE AMERICAN ART, HISTORY & CULTURES Native American artists from nations across the United States and Canada travel to Indianapolis for the opportunity to share their cultures through contemporary and traditional art, including jewelry, pottery, sculpture, paintings, dance, musical performances and more. Application Deadline is January 13, 2020 - Click Here Call for Artists - Arti Gras 2020 The artist application for Artigras 2020 is officially open! Artigras is limited to 100 fine artists and will once again be held at the KI Convention Center, downtown Green Bay on February 29 & March 1, 2020. This will be our 30th year! This event presents a fabulous display of fine arts, artist demonstrations, cultural exhibits, delicious food, live music, and hands-on children's activities. Application deadline is November 22 and can be found on Click here for more artist information CALL for short stories, poetry and art! Mosaic Arts, Inc. is looking for submissions to our newest literary and visual project: kaleidoscope. We want to hear from those adults 18+ in our community. Our theme for this first volume is: Mental and Emotional Health: Growth, Hope, New Beginnings. Short stories, poetry, drawings/sketches/art work are all welcome. All will be reviewed for appropriate content. Stories may be fiction or non-fiction. FRONT COVER DESIGN CONTEST: Submit your design with the following requirements: work must capture the essence of the publication theme; artist may submit explanation of work. Work must be appropriate for public viewing. Size is 8.5" by 5.5", color or black and white. Winner will be chosen by committee. Material may be subject to modification to meet print and design requirements. Send PDF, eps or hi res jpg to [email protected]. Prize is $100. Deadline: November 27, 2019, publication will print early 2020. Go to for more information. Upcoming in OCTOBER...Art Events!!! Featured Show: Summit Art Festival (sponsored listing) October 11, 12, & 13* Lee's Summit, Missouri Downtown Lee's Summit 90 Artist Booths The Summit Art Festival is a free, outdoor, family-friendly, high-quality fine art event in the heart of historic downtown Lee’s Summit. The Festival is completely managed and run by the volunteer efforts of Summit Art members, Downtown Main Street members, and community volunteers. This is a vibrant town with very active visual and performing art programs presented by Summit Art, the Lee’s Summit Symphony, and The Summit Players. The Missouri Arts Council has designated Lee’s Summit as Missouri’s “Creative Community”. Expect:
October 4-6* Bayfield, Wisconsin 58th Bayfield Apple Festival Downtown Bayfield 10am - 5pm 150 Artists For more info: October 5 & 6* St. Louis, Missouri Historic Shaw Art Fair 4100 & 4200 Blocks Flora Place Saturday, 9am - 5pm; Sunday, 10am - 6pm Presented by the Shaw Neighborhood Improvement Assn. 135 Artists For more information: October 11-13* Lee's Summit, Missouri 10th Annual Summit Art Festival Historic Downtown Lee's Summit Friday 4pm-8 pm, Saturday 10am-8pm, Sunday 11am-4pm 120 Exhibitors Free admission Held in the exciting environment of downtown Lee's Summit amidst its boutiques, restaurants and vibrant nightlife, this Summit Art Festival takes on new life dedicated to focusing on the fine arts. Expect all the bells and whistles: exciting art, live music, enticing food, and interactive kids'activities. A great weekend in a cool downtown awaits you. For more info: October 11-13* Highland, Illinois 16th Art in the Park Lindendale Park 2005 Park Hill Drive Friday night, Preview Party Saturday, 10am - 5pm; Sunday, 11am - 4pm 65 Exhibitors For more info: October 19 & 20* Lenexa, Kansas Kansas City Music & Arts Festival 2019 Shawnee Mission Park, 7900 Renner Rd. Saturday & Sunday, 11am - 9pm 50 Exhibitors For more info: Call for Artists - Public Art The City of Green Bay Parks Department and Green Bay Public Arts Commission(GBPAC) are seeking to commission artist(s) to create a bold innovative public art commission on the rectangular East River Trail Plaza located along Main Street, sited between N. Baird Street and N. Irwin, along the riverfront. See link for more information. Deadline: October 1, 2019 Looking for artist to volunteer. Call for Artists - Volunteer at the Kroc Center Do you have a big heart and a passion to create? The Kroc Center is looking for a few 1-2 special volunteers that have a passion for the arts and sharing that within our programs. We have weekly classes with local youth and painting classes for Kroc members and the general public to attend. Each event could use 1-2 volunteers. Go to to sign up. Contact Renee Main - [email protected] if you have any questions. Did you know Green Bay offers grants to artist? Check it out. ART GARAGE IS LOOKING FOR ARTIST VENDORS!!! For more information see website.…/gallery-night-vendor-application… Artist Fellowship. Deadline is September 30, 2019. The Native Arts and Cultures Foundation's (NACF) Mentor Artist Fellowship is a regional individual artist project award that focuses on artistic mentoring in the Upper Midwest, Pacific Northwest, and Southwest regions. The Fellowship is open to eligible, established American Indian and Alaska Native artists of 10 years or more who want to mentor an emerging American Indian or Alaska Native artist apprentice in either the Traditional or Contemporary Visual Arts categories for a period of fifteen months, beginning April 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021. For more information, click link below.… Artist Opportunity!!! EMERGING ARTIST RESIDENCY FELLOWSHIP The Harpo Foundation’s Emerging Artist Residency Fellowship at the Santa Fe Art Institute (SFAI) was established in 2013 to provide an annual opportunity to an emerging visual artist 25 years and older who needs time and space to explore ideas and start new projects. For more information visit the foundations site. Annual Application Deadline is October 1st, 11:59 pm.…/emerging-artist-fellowsh…/… First Nations is looking for a Native artist-designed print to be used on First Nations’ 2019 annual holiday card (paper and digital format). First Nations is able to compensate the selected artist $1,000 for use of their artwork on our holiday card as well as in First Nations social media outreach for several months around the holiday. If you have an artist (or multiple artists) who might be interested in this opportunity, please share the information and instructions below with them. We appreciate your assistance and consideration!
If you have any questions, please call or email Jona Charette at [email protected] or 303.774.7836. The Oneida Film Society wants YOUR FILMS! The Oneida Film Society presents the first Oneida Smartphone Film Festival. The theme for the festival is Telling Our Own Stories. Our vision is to create a film platform for novice and experienced filmmakers to incorporate talent and creativity into a 3-10 minute long film captured on a smartphone or tablet. We are looking for stories created by Wisconsin residents that represent Native communities and inspire individuals to promote self-discovery, connection, and build relationships with others. Submissions will narrate belief, culture, and personal stories. Up to $2,000 in cash prizes! Participants interested in submitting a film must: 1) Upload film to Oneida Smartphone Film Festival Film Freeway 2) Complete & email Submission Form to [email protected] 3) Create a movie poster. Submit your movie poster in PDF form to [email protected]. An 11×17 poster will be displayed at the film festival and available to take home. Film upload, submission form, and poster are due October 25, 2019. All films submitted will be screened by a committee with letters of acceptance by November 8, 2019. The Oneida Smartphone Film Festival will showcase all qualified films on November 21, 2019 at the Radisson Hotel & Conference Center. View film submission categories, upcoming workshop dates, and tutorials on our website We look forward to your film submissions! Adult Workshops Adult Workshops offer a variety of levels including the beginner, intermediate and more advanced. The length of the workshops vary between 1 - 8 weeks. All workshops have a 1 week registration deadline.
ONE-YEAR ARTIST FELLOWSHIPS Through our Artists in Business Leadership and Cultural Capital Fellowships, First Peoples Fund partners with Native artists and culture bearers to strengthen their business skills and to ensure that art, culture and ancestral knowledge are passed from one generation to the next. Twenty to twenty-five artists are selected annually for First Peoples Fund's one-year fellowship programs. Fellows receive $5,000 project grants, technical support and professional training to start or grow a thriving arts business and to further their important work in their communities. Applicants Must be an enrolled member or provide proof of lineal descendancy of a U.S. federally recognized tribe, a state recognized tribe, or be an Alaska Native or Native Hawaiian. APPLY HERE ![]() Artist Grant Opportunity for Native Americans living in Minnesota. The Cultural Community Partnership grant program is designed to enhance the careers of individual artists of color. Artists, at any stage in their careers, can apply for grants to help support collaborative projects. Applicants can collaborate on a project with another Minnesota artist of color or with a Minnesota nonprofit organization. Application deadline and project period FY 2020 applications must be submitted and accepted before 4:30 p.m. on Friday, September 13, 2019. For more information about the application timeline and the project period, see the calendar page. Apply Here:…/cultural-community-partnershi… Welcome to the Smash the Narrative project. The purpose of this project is to use art to promote public discussion around major political and social issues. Every two years we award a prize for art relating to a specific topic. This years theme is titled “You can’t paint that!“. The topic is taboo and censorship. This is an important issue at the moment with governments, educational institutions and big tech companies taking it upon themselves to decide which ideas can and can’t be discussed. We would like to encourage artists to think about what it feels like to be told they should avoid expressing certain ideas or alternatively the necessity of limiting creative and intellectual expression to avoid causing offence. Applications open. Deadline: December 31, 2019 Apply Here ![]() CALL TO NATIVE AMERICAN VISUAL ARTISTS – Applications are now open for the Spring 2020 Ucross Fellowship for Native American Visual Artists Deadline: September 1, 2019 ![]() Please consider helping us get top rating. If you love our work then tell the world! Stories about us from people like you will help us make an even bigger impact in our community. GreatNonprofits – the #1 source of nonprofit stories and feedback – is honoring highly regarded nonprofits with their 2019 Top-Rated List. Won’t you help us raise visibility for our work by posting a brief story of your experience with us? All content will be visible to potential donors and volunteers. It’s easy and only takes 3 minutes! Go here to get started!…/…/woodland-indian-art-inc