Festival of Woodland Indian Art & Culture Show FAQ's
Can I sell feathers at the show?
No feathers from migratory birds (see law here) can be sold separately or part of a product. (See List Of Migratory Birds Here)
Can I sell animal parts?
No animal parts from animals on the endangered list (see law here) can be sold separately or part of a product. (See List of Endangered Species)
Can I enter the art competition without having a booth?
You cannot just enter the show for the $25 jury fee, which only gives the artist the opportunity to apply to the show and market. If an artist is not able to be juried in then their application is denied. This is a show "and market", and the public expects to see booths with artwork for sale so they can buy directly from the artists. The $150 fee gives the artist the opportunity to compete in the “show”, and “market" in their booth for three days.
Can I enter one piece of art into more than one category?
No, but you can put three art pieces into just one category.
Is it required of me to be at my booth for all three days of the event?
Yes you are required to be at your booth. However, we do have volunteers that can give you a break. Please note, volunteers cannot make any sales while they are watching your booth.
How many people are allowed to be seated at my booth?
We will provide two chairs for two people to be seated at your booth at any given time. We ask that you keep the number of people seated at your booth to two people.
If I have been juried into the show previously, do I need to pay a jury fee again?
No. You will not be required to pay the $25 jury fee again.
What if I have nothing to sell at my booth?
We would not recommend you apply. The two-day market on Saturday and Sunday is very important to the public, who are there to purchase the best Woodland Indian Art available.
What kinds of things can I have at my booth besides sale items?
Everything in the booth should be for sale. Artists usually provide business cards, show ribbons won at previous art shows, and other materials that will promote the artist and their artwork.
What types of items do artists sell at their booths?
Check the webpage for the variety of Woodland Indian Art that has been displayed and sold at their booths. https://www.woodlandindianart.com/2019participants.html
Are there certain items that sell better than others?
Through their own personal experience, the artist is the best person to gauge what the public is looking for.
What if I sell everything at my booth?
This is every artist’s dream!! At the same time, this has never happened at the show. The WIA Board expects artists to keep their booth open through the end of the market on Sunday.
Can other artists who are not in the show, share my booth?
No. All items for sale in the booth need to go through the process of being juried in.
Do I have to sell woodland art at my booth? If so, what makes my art "woodland" ?
“Woodland Tribes” are those who were generally settled in the northern half of the U.S. and Canada to the East coast. The history of tribal removal has extended these limited boundaries, as well as individual relocation to any part of the country. If you are a member of a Woodland Tribe you automatically have a right to apply to be juried in, but your artwork will still be evaluated on the quality, content and medium. It is important to send good quality pictures of your art along with your application.
What if I am a woodland artist but I do Hopi silver work?
This is a Festival of Woodland Indian Art & Culture. Visitors expect to see authentic Woodland Indian art work. However, the decision is made by the whole Board during the process of being juried in.
If I have been juried into the show previously, do I need to pay a jury fee again?
No, you only have to pay the $25 jury fee once for the Festival of Woodland Indian Art and Culture. You still need to send good quality pictures of your recent work with each application.
Does the show provide electricity at my booth?
The Radisson has electricity available for each booth. Depending on the negotiated contract each year, there may be a cost for the artist to plug in.
Can I purchase more than one booth and what's the additional cost?
An additional booth (double booth) would cost an extra $75, and depend on the availability.
Can I get a refund on the booth fee, class fee or jury fee?
Booth Fee Refund - Yes, if artist cancels one month before the show.
Class Fee Refund - Yes, if the student cancels 1 week before the show.
Jury Fee Refund - No, this fee is non-refundable.
When are the art rewards (money) given out?
The ribbons and certificates will be given out on Friday night during the awards ceremony. All money awards will be given out on Sunday afternoon of the show.
No feathers from migratory birds (see law here) can be sold separately or part of a product. (See List Of Migratory Birds Here)
Can I sell animal parts?
No animal parts from animals on the endangered list (see law here) can be sold separately or part of a product. (See List of Endangered Species)
Can I enter the art competition without having a booth?
You cannot just enter the show for the $25 jury fee, which only gives the artist the opportunity to apply to the show and market. If an artist is not able to be juried in then their application is denied. This is a show "and market", and the public expects to see booths with artwork for sale so they can buy directly from the artists. The $150 fee gives the artist the opportunity to compete in the “show”, and “market" in their booth for three days.
Can I enter one piece of art into more than one category?
No, but you can put three art pieces into just one category.
Is it required of me to be at my booth for all three days of the event?
Yes you are required to be at your booth. However, we do have volunteers that can give you a break. Please note, volunteers cannot make any sales while they are watching your booth.
How many people are allowed to be seated at my booth?
We will provide two chairs for two people to be seated at your booth at any given time. We ask that you keep the number of people seated at your booth to two people.
If I have been juried into the show previously, do I need to pay a jury fee again?
No. You will not be required to pay the $25 jury fee again.
What if I have nothing to sell at my booth?
We would not recommend you apply. The two-day market on Saturday and Sunday is very important to the public, who are there to purchase the best Woodland Indian Art available.
What kinds of things can I have at my booth besides sale items?
Everything in the booth should be for sale. Artists usually provide business cards, show ribbons won at previous art shows, and other materials that will promote the artist and their artwork.
What types of items do artists sell at their booths?
Check the webpage for the variety of Woodland Indian Art that has been displayed and sold at their booths. https://www.woodlandindianart.com/2019participants.html
Are there certain items that sell better than others?
Through their own personal experience, the artist is the best person to gauge what the public is looking for.
What if I sell everything at my booth?
This is every artist’s dream!! At the same time, this has never happened at the show. The WIA Board expects artists to keep their booth open through the end of the market on Sunday.
Can other artists who are not in the show, share my booth?
No. All items for sale in the booth need to go through the process of being juried in.
Do I have to sell woodland art at my booth? If so, what makes my art "woodland" ?
“Woodland Tribes” are those who were generally settled in the northern half of the U.S. and Canada to the East coast. The history of tribal removal has extended these limited boundaries, as well as individual relocation to any part of the country. If you are a member of a Woodland Tribe you automatically have a right to apply to be juried in, but your artwork will still be evaluated on the quality, content and medium. It is important to send good quality pictures of your art along with your application.
What if I am a woodland artist but I do Hopi silver work?
This is a Festival of Woodland Indian Art & Culture. Visitors expect to see authentic Woodland Indian art work. However, the decision is made by the whole Board during the process of being juried in.
If I have been juried into the show previously, do I need to pay a jury fee again?
No, you only have to pay the $25 jury fee once for the Festival of Woodland Indian Art and Culture. You still need to send good quality pictures of your recent work with each application.
Does the show provide electricity at my booth?
The Radisson has electricity available for each booth. Depending on the negotiated contract each year, there may be a cost for the artist to plug in.
Can I purchase more than one booth and what's the additional cost?
An additional booth (double booth) would cost an extra $75, and depend on the availability.
Can I get a refund on the booth fee, class fee or jury fee?
Booth Fee Refund - Yes, if artist cancels one month before the show.
Class Fee Refund - Yes, if the student cancels 1 week before the show.
Jury Fee Refund - No, this fee is non-refundable.
When are the art rewards (money) given out?
The ribbons and certificates will be given out on Friday night during the awards ceremony. All money awards will be given out on Sunday afternoon of the show.

Do you have a question, regarding the show, you would like answered? If so, please send the question to [email protected]. We may also post the question and answer here.